Well..hello readers..I'm continuing the yesterday post with its sequel,Part II...LOL!!!Its like a movie or drama...Anyway..today was the end of my journey in Secondary School(Not yet sure whether continue Sec 5 or not..all depends on the results)Well..first period today was supposed to be Malay lesson but because the relief teacher left the school already...There was no teacher but Mdm Anisah,English teacher came and took over...I was quite bored during the lesson just now but heck care its the last day...after that was Physics...No teacher came in..During Maths,Miss Seto comes in and during 2nd period,Mr Daniel Chong came...Well..later after recess..I decided to take pictures...Some pictures are with Afif and most of them are with me...I almost cried when I took pictures but I must not show it..Haha!!Well my friends and I went off at 12pm...while some went off at 12.45...They got spring cleaning...LOL!!!As I took my foot out of the school and not stepping inside it until December this year,my heart crashes and broke into a thousand pieces...it seems hard to break ties with the school...I just hope I'm able to do well in life if I'm not able to make it to Sec 5...The school has really shaped me into a better person..through the guidance of the teachers and some friends...and Thank all of you for those who wishes to become friends with me...I wish I'm able to do another stage performance before leaving the school..I want to wish all those whom I may not see after Secondary School a very successful future ahead of you...The world is round maybe we would see each other again in a different time...

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