Sorry for not posting music these few days...I really want to buy..some of the servers like crash or is under maintenance...that's why..nevermind anyway...
My days in Evergreen Secondary School is coming to an end...Tomorrow is the last day...I usually don't have really good memories in school...however...I don't what or why but my heart says that I'm gonna miss this school so much...Well..not as much good memories as Primary School but I'm gonna miss Secondary School much more than my Primary School..It seems like it was just yesterday I sat in the school hall sitting down and listen to the Principal's speech to welcome us in the school..and only a few days ago which is on last Friday that I sat down in the school hall,listening to the farewell speech from the Principal..I can't describe the feeling to be part of the school..even though it wasn't my first choice but I love the school as the year goes by...I'm really shedding tears right now....What am I gonna miss in school?Hmm..I'm gonna miss my wonderful teachers like Miss Lim,Mdm Nurhayati and etc etc etc...I'm also gonna miss my wonderful friends...ranging from the Siixers,Liyana Bestie(9 years friendship)Asmira,Zakiah,Afif,Seng Mun and the lists goes on and on...Well that's probably it...What memories which would forever be kept in heart?Hmm...I remember where I make a fool of myself in Sec.1 where I joined this karaoke singing contest and I was nervous and all my notes were messed up and after that people call me Siti Nurhaliza cause I sang one of her songs during the competition and they all say I sound the same as her ...LOL!...the most memorable one is where I won 2nd place for EVG Got Talent where I decided to show what I can do the best and also to redeem myself from the horrendous Sec.1 Karaoke competition..I hope I'm able to make it to Sec.5 and lastly..I'm gonna miss 4 Thinking...For the past 2 years...I had a great time with every single one of you...even though I don't talk much but I would always cherish every single one of you in my heart..
This one goes to someone whom I'm closed certainly surprised me with the news that you're migrating...and never coming back here...well..even though we only both know each other from Sec.3...but the 2 years of friendship so far has been really great...even though sometimes you tend to be alone...I always tried to be there for you...I hope I never hurt you in any form or way for the past 2 years..I hope also that I have always cheer you up when you're sad or happy or in any mood..I hope you really change your decision cause I don't want to lose a bestfriend...and if your decision is final...I can only wish you all the best in your life and do remember me...take care of chat with me regularly...I hope to see someday in the place where you are or maybe some parts of the world...I know we would bump into each other again...Maybe when I have fulfilled my wish and achieved my goals which is to become a star..I'll have a concert in the city you're living...the first stop maybe...LOL!!
Some pics I took today...

The back of the classroom
The front of the classroom
My class,4 Thinking
Afif and me...I'll miss you bestie
This one pic was last week one....She wants it soo
badly haha!!
Me and Suriati..I'll miss you also bestie...
I think I'm gonna end it here...before I start crying again....
Till Here
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