Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's sad....

Firstly,I want to say that my examinations are over BUT I'm not officially back to blogging as I promised at the start or somewhere during this year cause I would maybe go find myself a temporary job so that time is not wasted.I do have a life.. :D

Secondly,I feel lonely after my examinations.Maybe because there's no more school.How I wished school was still on.Sighed. I can't do anything about it.

Thirdly,I feel that getting a job is difficult than I expected! Gosh! It feels like waiting for something which will never happened...Can't they just say,"I'm sorry but you're not eligible or You did not get the job" on the spot?! I hate waiting! I too want to live life as a normal kid with no boundaries and now I to restrict myself from my image and everything! Damn! I wanna highlight my hair and eat as much as I want but all these endless waiting is making me go crazy.I know my body size is an issue for me to get jobs but if I chose to slim down,I feel like it's not me.I don't want to be sad. I just want to be me.I know fashion industry don't allow plus sized people to work in that industry but can't you give us a chance?It's killing me from the inside alright!
From one interview to the other,I've been rejected to work because of my size(I think).Pathetic excuse in my opinion!

Lastly,I don't know what to post for music...It seems like I've been away for too long that I lost my 'mojo'. LOL! I seem not interested in posting new music but I want to share what is new.Well,there's google though.Thank God.

Let me just end this post now alright...Good bye.