Monday, April 26, 2010


Hey readers.... Hahaha I know it's been a long time since I do a post but today,let me just update what's happening in my life as of right now.

I just started school in ITE Clementi.I'm in Leisure & Travel Operations or for short LA. At first I wasn't sure about this new journey. I mean c'mon,you guys will feel the same way if you were in my shoes. I've start everything afresh. Meaning,new environment,people and etc etc. After the 1st day was over, my heart still want my old life back. I thought no one would give me a chance and I'm too scared to trying out new things. 2nd day came and I was still unsure but because of the friendly and understanding classmates,they approached me rather than I approached them. I started slowly speaking but I still think I wasn't ready for all these changes but as the 2nd day goes by,I'm confident that they can make me feel home. So I decided to give them a try and well they were really great. I can feel the warmth and feel very welcome. I know people think ITE is no more future but I know this route will take me some where in life and even if it's a different and long route,at least it'll take me to something I want rather than doing nothing at home which is purely a waste of my time. Now I feel very comfortable in school. I hope my classmates can see this cause I wanna say Thanks for being such friendly towards me. I know I may look like some snorty brat but it's just the way I look. Let's make our 1 1/2 years a fruitful one. :) GO LA!

Well,that's all I can say as of right now and about me being back to blogging is still a question. I don't know whether I should continue cause I feel that because I have a private blog where I can write out all my feelings for that particular day,I feel this blog is getting useless. I know I can post music but I just can't find the time to do all that. May be in the future once I think I'm ready to be doing this all again. For now,let's just leave it the way as it is. :) Thanks for still coming back to my blog even though it's a plain ol' boring place with the background which I don't even bother changing. :)

Goodbye for now but I'll be here again to make a post soon.. Hopefully.