Saturday, June 26, 2010


Our place in this world is just temporary....

I know I've not update for a very long time but I'm very busy. Alright moving on.
I have so many things in my head..I don't know which to start. From friends to things to family and etc.

Friends : I truly miss my Siixers even though we meet a few days back. And knowing that one of us is migrating to M'asia brings much sadness into my life. I will always remember you Nur...I know you will still be schooling here and staying with your sister during the weekdays but I guess the visiting part during Hari Raya will be the most difficult thing. I'm not sure everyone can go there.. Even I question myself going there but I hope I can visit your family there. I will remember the days where we would spent argueing about certain things like our malay language! :D OMG! My eyes are teary now.. I also miss this particular group of people which I can't mention their names.. I miss them as individuals and also miss those times where the world belonged to us. I just hope we all can one day get back together again and forgot what has happen in the past. You guys were the ones who gave me strength and courage. Remember those times where you all remind me there's something on when I'm busy. I remembered where one of you bought me drinks when I had rehearsals. Ok..I'm lying if I'm telling you all I'm not crying now but this memories are all so hard to throw them away. These were the most memorable times that I wished you all can remember and probably get back together again. I also miss my new classmates even though it's a short time. I know I can sometimes portray that brat kid and I'm truly sorry. Maybe reason because the things I've gone through made me act that way. I meant no harm to anyone.

Things : Well....there's nothing much to say here but I want a new console..The new Xbox 360! And also Kinect for Xbox and a few other games.. Nothing much here..

Family : I am truly happy because yesterday was my Elder Sis birthday and she's 25 this year.. Even though we maybe harsh with our words, it was all jokes. As of right now, I hope everyone can meet together again like our recent wedding event. It was joyous and successful event. Everyone was together from uncles to aunties to grandmas and all the other people.. I was tremendously happy to meet my one cousin who was like my brother when we were little. We got separated due to certain reasons but it was good that we talked on that day and we decided to exchange numbers so we can contact each other.

Like the saying goes, All Good Things Has To Come To An End. I'm signing off...Toodles everyone

With Love,