Thursday, July 8, 2010

The bells have started ringing and people are walking in

Man!!! School has started 4 days ago and damn I miss my holidays now.. XD What a weird thing to say because I was the one who wanted school to start but now I want holidays.. I'm weird. :D Now I'm in a new campus..very big..lots of people and I'm scared. I got this feeling people will stare at me as if they are going to kill me for whatever reason.. XD I'm really weird I guess. LOL!

I miss NUR LIYANA BINTE JOHARI! I know you don't read this because you don't know my blog! Huahuahua...lucky or what! If not later she will tell everyone I miss her.. Pfft! I saw her yesterday when I was waiting for my bus and she came behind me wanted to surprise me but she did..So I kept beating her bag like I was pissed off but I wasn't. Maybe she can give me free tickets to watch movie at her work place? XD

And I guess my holidays was quite fun eventhough I've been saying it wasn't because of the short time given.. Pathetic 3 weeks! I can't feel it! I NEED MORE! GIMME GIMME MORE! Hahaha! Been meeting my classmates,Han and Amylia, frequently during my holidays. It seems like I'm in secondary school again with 2 close friends in school but this time round, I'm not the only guy. :D They are really fun people to be around with. I guess I can make new friends afterall. :) but I always fear people judging me from my attitude to my appearance.

I don't know why this new school term feels like it's my very first day in school. Maybe it's the new school and classroom all. :D and with new school comes with new kind of teaching methods. So now, I've got combine lectures. I hate combine lectures! I can fall asleep. And my next presentation will be combine too.. How unlucky is that?! Pfft! Whatever...Alright I end my post for now..Goodbye. :D
